Introduction of Antireflection Coatings


Antireflective coatings are based on the fluctuation and interference of light. If two light waves with the same amplitude and wavelength are superposed, the amplitude of light waves will increase; if two light waves have the same origin and the wave path is different, the two light waves will cancel each other out. Anti-reflective film is based on this principle. Anti-reflective film is coated on the surface of the lens, which makes the reflected light from the front and back surfaces of the film interfere with each other, thus counteracting the reflected light and achieving the effect of anti-reflection.


Why do we need anti-reflection coatings?

1.Mirror reflection. When light passes through the front and back surfaces of lenses, it not only refracts, but also reflects. The reflected light produced on the front surface of the lens causes others to see a piece of white light on the lens surface when they look at the wearer's eyes. When taking photos, this kind of light will also seriously affect the beauty of the wearer.


2. Ghosts. According to the theory of spectacle optics, the refractive force of the lens can make the object line up to a clear image at the far point of the wearer. It can also be explained that the light of the object deflects through the lens and gathers on the retina to form image points. However, due to the different curvatures of the front and back surfaces of refractive lenses and the existence of a certain amount of reflected light, there will be internal reflection light between them. Internal reflection light produces a virtual image near the far-point sphere, that is, near the image point of the retina. These virtual image points will affect the clarity and comfort of the visual object.

3. Like all optical systems, the glare of the eye is not perfect. The image on the retina is not a point, but a blurred circle. Therefore, the sensation of two adjacent points is generated by two parallel fuzzy circles which are more or less overlapping. As long as the distance between the two points is large enough, the image on the retina will produce the feeling of two points, but if the two points are too close, the two fuzzy circles will tend to coincide and be mistaken for one point.

Major Antireflective Coatings and Their Refractive Index


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